We did another carboot sale today and I can now spot a buyer, from a browser, from a bargain hunter from a chancer.
Buyers - attack your car before you unpacked it - looking for anything collectible. Their favourite thing is to ask have you got any instruments, Lego, mobile phones...
Browsers - these are the people that come to see what other are selling, they maybe looking for a specific item but generally just like to have a look a round. Most people fall in to this category.
Bargain hunters - these are regular at car bots an will knock some money usually 50p off whatever you say the price is. this is not to bad cos as a seller you have just added an additional 50p to the price.
Chancers - these people amaze me, the will ask for a ridiculous amount items. A lady next to us was selling a large piece material, which could have made several cushions and she had told us earlier in the day that she wanted to get rid of it so was selling it cheap - 30p. She was asked how much, said 30 p and chancer said that was too expensive!
Another lady was selling cushions at 50 p each (a reasonable price for a cushion), when asked the price she said '50p each' the chancer then said "50p for 5"!
Finally, in a personal case, we had a fan heater that we where selling a 3 pounds, we were asked how much? "£3" we said - 50p said one guy, £1 said another Chancers! "no" we said.
It surprises me every time we sell stuff, that what we think are good/bargain prices then some others think are ridiculous high and will chance their arm with a stupidly low price.