Well we have, a busy few days, over the weekend we went to Vancouver Island to visit friends and relatives. All of which are well and are wished us luck in starting a life in Canada.
Monday was a bank holiday - Labour day, where they celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. (something they should do in the U.K.) Sensibly the bank holidays are more spread out here and there is every month except February, March and June.
We went to grouse mountain, where we where entertained by bears and a lumberjack show. Lumberjacks where once so bored that they made a competition out of who can make the other person fall off a log first (it is more entertaining then it sounds).
Today it was back to job hunting and then we went to the Metropolis at Metrotown (a huge mall probably the same size as meadowhall). I went looking for shoes and Wayne just went wondering for an hour.
Anyhow I have found a few more things that in are different in Canada that may take some getting used to.
1. I am a size 3 in children's shoes (same as the UK) but a size 5 in the adult shoes
2. You can get baked beans, but they taste different to UK baked beans
3. The Junction to get onto the highway can be before the junction to get off the highway.
4. You can get Bacon on Cheesecake (bacon, dark chocolate and maple syrup)

It wasn't unpleasant, but was a bit too sweet for my liking.
Other than that, it has been quiet strange walking round the shops looking at winter clothes, when it is 28 degrees centigrade outside. However, I suppose that could happen in the UK...